butools.ph.PdfFromPH ==================== .. currentmodule:: butools.ph .. np:function:: PdfFromPH .. list-table:: :widths: 25 150 * - Matlab: - :code:`pdf = PdfFromPH(alpha, A, x, prec)` * - Mathematica: - :code:`pdf = PdfFromPH[alpha, A, x, prec]` * - Python/Numpy: - :code:`pdf = PdfFromPH(alpha, A, x, prec)` Returns the probability density function of a continuous phase-type distribution. Parameters ---------- alpha : vector, shape (1,M) The initial probability vector of the phase-type distribution. A : matrix, shape (M,M) The transient generator matrix of the phase-type distribution. x : vector of doubles The density function will be computed at these points prec : double, optional Numerical precision to check if the input ME distribution is valid. The default value is 1e-14. Returns ------- pdf : column vector of doubles The values of the density function at the corresponding "x" values Examples ======== For Matlab: >>> a = [0.1,0.9,0]; >>> A = [-6.2, 2, 0; 2, -9, 1; 1, 0, -3]; >>> x = (0.0:0.002:3.0); >>> pdf = PdfFromPH(a, A, x); >>> plot(x, pdf) For Mathematica: >>> a = {0.1,0.9,0}; >>> A = {{-6.2, 2, 0},{2, -9, 1},{1, 0, -3}}; >>> x = Range[0.0,3.0,0.002]; >>> pdf = PdfFromPH[a, A, x]; >>> ListLinePlot[{Transpose[{x, pdf}]}] For Python/Numpy: >>> a = ml.matrix([[0.1,0.9,0]]) >>> A = ml.matrix([[-6.2, 2, 0],[2, -9, 1],[1, 0, -3]]) >>> x = np.arange(0.0,3.002,0.002) >>> pdf = PdfFromPH(a, A, x) >>> plt.plot(x, pdf)