BuTools is a collection of Mathematica, Matlab/Octave functions related to recent research results on the field of phase type (PH) / matrix exponential (ME) distributions and Markov arrival processes (MAPs) / rational arrival processes (RAPs).
You can download the latest versions from the line menu above. Stay tuned for newer versions with further functions at the same links!
Version Oct. 25, 2011: The Octave compatibilty is almost complete except for MonocyclicRepresentation (due to different eigensystem decomposition).
Version Dec. 6, 2011: Added a set of functions for special processes (Marked MAP, Transient MAP, Markovian Binary Tree).
Version Marc. 22, 2012: The tool is extended with a library for efficient PH, ME, MAP and RAP random number generaton and with the Matlab/Octave implementation of level dependent Markov fluid model solvers.
Latest version (May. 16, 2012): Additional Mathematica functions for special processes (Transient MAP, Markovian Binary Tree).