András Mészáros

Stochastic modelling laboratory
MTA-BME Information Systems Research Group
Department of Telecommunications
Technical University of Budapest


Laboratory 1 (hungarian and english)
Laboratory 2 (hungarian and english)
Administrating Computer Networks I.
Computer architectures
Infocommunication Services Laboratory II. (Hungarian)
Infocommunication Services Laboratory II. (English)
Risk analysis
Training project lab slides


List of publications in MTMT

Personal information



Email: meszarosa(a)
Phone (direct): 36 1 463 3219
Phone (dept.): 36 1 463 3261
Room: I. building B.115
Address: H-1117 Budapest, XI., Magyar Tudósok krt. 2,
Mail: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Telecommunications,
P.O.Box: 91, 1521 Budapest, Hungary