
Matlab: [beta, B] = AcyclicDPHFromMG(alpha, A, precision)
Mathematica: {beta, B} = AcyclicDPHFromMG[alpha, A, precision]
Python/Numpy: beta, B = AcyclicDPHFromMG(alpha, A, precision)

Transforms a matrix-geometric representation to an acyclic DPH representation of the same size, if possible.


alpha : matrix, shape (1,N)

Initial vector of the distribution

A : matrix, shape (N,N)

Matrix parameter of the distribution

precision : double, optional

Vector and matrix entries smaller than the precision are considered to be zeros. The default value is 1e-14.


beta : matrix, shape (1,M)

The initial probability vector of the acyclic discrete phase-type representation

B : matrix, shape (M,M)

Transition probability matrix of the acyclic discrete phase-type representation


Contrary to ‘AcyclicPHFromME’ of the ‘ph’ package, this procedure is not able to extend the size in order to obtain a Markovian initial vector.

Raises an error if A has complex eigenvalues. In this case the transformation to an acyclic representation is not possible


For Matlab:

>>> a = [0,0,1.0];
>>> A = [0.22, 0, 0; 0.3, 0.1, 0.55; 0.26, 0, 0.73];
>>> [b, B] = AcyclicDPHFromMG(a, A);
>>> disp(b);
      0.69103      0.29786     0.011111
>>> disp(B);
         0.73         0.27            0
            0         0.22         0.78
            0            0          0.1
>>> ma = MomentsFromMG(a, A, 5);
>>> disp(ma);
       4.9383       34.807       339.49       4335.8        68954
>>> mb = MomentsFromMG(b, B, 5);
>>> disp(mb);
       4.9383       34.807       339.49       4335.8        68954
>>> flag = CheckDPHRepresentation(b, B);
>>> disp(flag);
>>> Cm = SimilarityMatrix(A, B);
>>> err1 = norm(A*Cm-Cm*B);
>>> err2 = norm(a*Cm-b);
>>> disp(max(err1, err2));

For Mathematica:

>>> a = {0,0,1.0};
>>> A = {{0.22, 0, 0},{0.3, 0.1, 0.55},{0.26, 0, 0.73}};
>>> {b, B} = AcyclicDPHFromMG[a, A];
>>> Print[b];
{0.691025641025641, 0.2978632478632479, 0.011111111111111127}
>>> Print[B];
{{0.73, 0.27, 0.},
 {0., 0.22, 0.78},
 {0., 0., 0.1}}
>>> ma = MomentsFromMG[a, A, 5];
>>> Print[ma];
{4.93827160493827, 34.80707678238542, 339.49243437478106, 4335.792870444855, 68954.07073262692}
>>> mb = MomentsFromMG[b, B, 5];
>>> Print[mb];
{4.93827160493827, 34.807076782385415, 339.492434374781, 4335.792870444855, 68954.07073262692}
>>> flag = CheckDPHRepresentation[b, B];
>>> Print[flag];
>>> Cm = SimilarityMatrix[A, B];
>>> err1 = Norm[A.Cm-Cm.B];
>>> err2 = Norm[a.Cm-b];
>>> Print[Max[err1, err2]];

For Python/Numpy:

>>> a = ml.matrix([[0,0,1.0]])
>>> A = ml.matrix([[0.22, 0, 0],[0.3, 0.1, 0.55],[0.26, 0, 0.73]])
>>> b, B = AcyclicDPHFromMG(a, A)
>>> print(b)
[[  1.12101e-16   9.62963e-01   3.70370e-02]]
>>> print(B)
[[ 0.10+0.j  0.90+0.j  0.00+0.j]
 [ 0.00+0.j  0.22+0.j  0.78+0.j]
 [ 0.00+0.j  0.00+0.j  0.73+0.j]]
>>> ma = MomentsFromMG(a, A, 5)
>>> print(ma)
[4.9382716049382713, 34.807076782385423, 339.49243437478106, 4335.792870444855, 68954.070732626918]
>>> mb = MomentsFromMG(b, B, 5)
>>> print(mb)
[(4.938271604938274+0j), (34.807076782385444+0j), (339.49243437478117+0j), (4335.7928704448568+0j), (68954.070732626948+0j)]
>>> flag = CheckDPHRepresentation(b, B)
>>> print(flag)
>>> Cm = SimilarityMatrix(A, B)
>>> err1 = la.norm(A*Cm-Cm*B)
>>> err2 = la.norm(a*Cm-b)
>>> print(np.max(err1, err2))