
Matlab: [alpha, A] = DPH2From3Moments(moms, prec)
Mathematica: {alpha, A} = DPH2From3Moments[moms, prec]
Python/Numpy: alpha, A = DPH2From3Moments(moms, prec)

Returns an order-2 discrete phase-type distribution which has the same 3 moments as given.


moms : vector of doubles, length(3)

The moments to match

prec : double, optional

Numerical precision, default value is 1e-14


alpha : matrix, shape (1,2)

The initial probability vector of the DPH(2)

A : matrix, shape (2,2)

Transition probability matrix of the DPH(2)


Raises an error if the moments are not feasible with a DPH(2).

This procedure first calls ‘MGFromMoments’, then transforms it to DPH(2) by ‘CanonicalFromDPH2’.


For Matlab:

>>> a = [0.9,0.1];
>>> A = [0.2, 0.61; 0.58, 0.41];
>>> moms = MomentsFromDPH(a, A);
>>> disp(moms);
       10.305       215.13       6764.2
>>> [b, B] = DPH2From3Moments(moms);
>>> disp(b);
      0.43249      0.56751
>>> disp(B);
         0.61         0.39
      0.69692            0
>>> phmoms = MomentsFromDPH(b, B, 3);
>>> disp(phmoms);
       10.305       215.13       6764.2

For Mathematica:

>>> a = {0.9,0.1};
>>> A = {{0.2, 0.61},{0.58, 0.41}};
>>> moms = MomentsFromDPH[a, A];
>>> Print[moms];
{10.304568527918775, 215.1328300136563, 6764.166152521255}
>>> {b, B} = DPH2From3Moments[moms];
>>> Print[b];
{0.43248730964467125, 0.5675126903553286}
>>> Print[B];
{{0.6100000000000014, 0.38999999999999857},
 {0.6969230769230763, 0}}
>>> phmoms = MomentsFromDPH[b, B, 3];
>>> Print[phmoms];
{10.304568527918788, 215.13283001365693, 6764.166152521286}

For Python/Numpy:

>>> a = ml.matrix([[0.9,0.1]])
>>> A = ml.matrix([[0.2, 0.61],[0.58, 0.41]])
>>> moms = MomentsFromDPH(a, A)
>>> print(moms)
[10.304568527918775, 215.1328300136563, 6764.1661525212548]
>>> b, B = DPH2From3Moments(moms)
>>> print(b)
[[ 0.43249  0.56751]]
>>> print(B)
[[ 0.61     0.39   ]
 [ 0.69692  0.     ]]
>>> phmoms = MomentsFromDPH(b, B, 3)
>>> print(phmoms)
[10.304568527918779, 215.1328300136565, 6764.1661525212639]