
Matlab: [D0, D1] = MAPFromFewMomentsAndCorrelations(moms, corr1, r)
Mathematica: {D0, D1} = MAPFromFewMomentsAndCorrelations[moms, corr1, r]
Python/Numpy: D0, D1 = MAPFromFewMomentsAndCorrelations(moms, corr1, r)

Creates a Markovian arrival process that has the given 2 or 3 marginal moments and lag-1 autocorrelation. The decay of the autocorrelation function can be optionally adjusted as well. The lag-k autocorrelation function \(\rho_k\) of the resulting MAP is \(\rho_k=r(corr_1/r)^k\).


moms : vector of doubles, length 2 or 3

The list of marginal moments to match.

corr1 : double

The lag-1 autocorrelation coefficient to match.

r : double, optional

The decay of the autocorrelation function.


D0 : matrix, shape (M,M)

The D0 matrix of the Markovian arrival process

D1 : matrix, shape (M,M)

The D1 matrix of the Markovian arrival process


With 2 marginal moments, or with 3 marginal moments and positive autocorrelation the procedure always returns a valid Markovian representation.


[R19]G Horvath, “Matching marginal moments and lag autocorrelations with MAPs,” ValueTools 2013, Torino, Italy (2013).


For Matlab:

>>> moms = [1.1, 6.05];
>>> corr1 = -0.17;
>>> [D0, D1] = MAPFromFewMomentsAndCorrelations(moms, corr1);
>>> disp(D0);
     -0.28494      0.28494            0            0
            0      -18.134            0            0
            0            0     -0.28494      0.28494
            0            0            0     -0.95707
>>> disp(D1);
            0            0            0            0
     0.022795       1.4279       4.9669       11.716
            0            0            0            0
     0.013835      0.86667     0.022795     0.053771
>>> rmoms = MarginalMomentsFromMAP(D0, D1, 2);
>>> disp(rmoms);
          1.1         6.05
>>> rcorr1 = LagCorrelationsFromMAP(D0, D1, 1);
>>> disp(rcorr1);
>>> moms = [1.2, 4.32, 20.];
>>> corr1 = -0.4;
>>> [D0, D1] = MAPFromFewMomentsAndCorrelations(moms, corr1);
>>> disp(D0);
     -0.33604      0.33604            0            0            0            0
            0      -36.027            0            0            0            0
            0            0      -1.2829       1.2829            0            0
            0            0            0      -1.2829       1.2829            0
            0            0            0            0      -1.2829       1.2829
            0            0            0            0            0      -1.3747
>>> disp(D1);
            0            0            0            0            0            0
     0.024741       1.7766       23.475            0            0       10.751
            0            0            0            0            0            0
            0            0            0            0            0            0
            0            0            0            0            0            0
     0.017937        1.288     0.047145            0            0     0.021591
>>> BuToolsCheckPrecision = 10.^-12;
>>> rmoms = MarginalMomentsFromMAP(D0, D1, 3);
>>> disp(rmoms);
          1.2         4.32           20
>>> rcorr1 = LagCorrelationsFromMAP(D0, D1, 1);
>>> disp(rcorr1);
>>> moms = [1.2, 4.32, 20.];
>>> corr1 = 0.4;
>>> [D0, D1] = MAPFromFewMomentsAndCorrelations(moms, corr1);
>>> disp(D0);
  Columns 1 through 6
     -0.54184      0.54184            0            0            0            0
            0      -116.34            0            0            0            0
            0            0     -0.24417      0.24417            0            0
            0            0            0       -2.014        2.014            0
            0            0            0            0       -2.014        2.014
            0            0            0            0            0       -2.014
            0            0            0            0            0            0
            0            0            0            0            0            0
            0            0            0            0            0            0
  Columns 7 through 9
            0            0            0
            0            0            0
            0            0            0
            0            0            0
            0            0            0
        2.014            0            0
       -2.014        2.014            0
            0       -2.014        2.014
            0            0       -2.014
>>> disp(D1);
  Columns 1 through 6
            0            0            0            0            0            0
       16.128       88.575     0.099774       11.534            0            0
            0            0            0            0            0            0
            0            0            0            0            0            0
            0            0            0            0            0            0
            0            0            0            0            0            0
            0            0            0            0            0            0
            0            0            0            0            0            0
     0.062048      0.34076     0.013818       1.5974            0            0
  Columns 7 through 9
            0            0            0
            0            0            0
            0            0            0
            0            0            0
            0            0            0
            0            0            0
            0            0            0
            0            0            0
            0            0            0
>>> rmoms = MarginalMomentsFromMAP(D0, D1, 3);
>>> disp(rmoms);
          1.2         4.32           20
>>> rcorr1 = LagCorrelationsFromMAP(D0, D1, 1);
>>> disp(rcorr1);

For Mathematica:

>>> moms = {1.1, 6.05};
>>> corr1 = -0.17;
>>> {D0, D1} = MAPFromFewMomentsAndCorrelations[moms, corr1];
>>> Print[D0];
{{-0.28493894165535966, 0.28493894165535966, 0, 0},
 {0., -18.13383801258688, 0, 0},
 {0, 0, -0.2849389416553596, 0.2849389416553596},
 {0, 0, 0., -0.9570710783221891}}
>>> Print[D1];
{{0., 0., 0., 0.},
 {0.022795115332428794, 1.4279119256745232, 4.966897224470778, 11.71623374710915},
 {0., 0., 0., 0.},
 {0.013835475664900425, 0.8666699163915135, 0.022795115332428787, 0.053770570933346404}}
>>> rmoms = MarginalMomentsFromMAP[D0, D1, 2];
>>> Print[rmoms];
{1.0999999999999996, 6.049999999999997}
>>> rcorr1 = LagCorrelationsFromMAP[D0, D1, 1][[1]];
>>> Print[rcorr1];
>>> moms = {1.2, 4.32, 20.};
>>> corr1 = -0.4;
>>> {D0, D1} = MAPFromFewMomentsAndCorrelations[moms, corr1];
>>> Print[D0];
{{-0.3360418695910829, 0.3360418695910829, 0, 0, 0, 0},
 {0, -36.0266728289002, 0, 0, 0, 0},
 {0, 0, -1.2828628105692446, 1.2828628105692446, 0, 0},
 {0, 0, 0, -1.2828628105692446, 1.2828628105692446, 0},
 {0, 0, 0, 0, -1.2828628105692446, 1.2828628105692446},
 {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1.3747185152915538}}
>>> Print[D1];
{{0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
 {0.024740745552158373, 1.7765928958928536, 23.47455308878542, 0., 0., 10.750786098669774},
 {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
 {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
 {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
 {0.017937256152678223, 1.2880453333742978, 0.04714475230266865, 0., 0., 0.021591173461909096}}
>>> BuTools`CheckPrecision = 10.^-12;
>>> rmoms = MarginalMomentsFromMAP[D0, D1, 3];
>>> Print[rmoms];
{1.2, 4.319999999999999, 20.00000000000002}
>>> rcorr1 = LagCorrelationsFromMAP[D0, D1, 1][[1]];
>>> Print[rcorr1];
>>> moms = {1.2, 4.32, 20.};
>>> corr1 = 0.4;
>>> {D0, D1} = MAPFromFewMomentsAndCorrelations[moms, corr1];
>>> Print[D0];
{{-0.5418383137500514, 0.5418383137500514, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
 {0, -116.33647358652203, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
 {0, 0, -0.24417076816625743, 0.24417076816625743, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
 {0, 0, 0, -2.0140275715489198, 2.0140275715489198, 0, 0, 0, 0},
 {0, 0, 0, 0, -2.0140275715489198, 2.0140275715489198, 0, 0, 0},
 {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.0140275715489198, 2.0140275715489198, 0, 0},
 {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.0140275715489198, 2.0140275715489198, 0},
 {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.0140275715489198, 2.0140275715489198},
 {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2.0140275715489198}}
>>> Print[D1];
{{0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
 {16.128313181474883, 88.57451304639496, 0.0997738996285687, 11.533873459023635, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
 {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
 {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
 {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
 {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
 {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
 {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
 {0.062047737583266864, 0.3407577767265171, 0.013818358324120445, 1.5974036989150155, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}}
>>> rmoms = MarginalMomentsFromMAP[D0, D1, 3];
>>> Print[rmoms];
{1.2000000000000002, 4.320000000000002, 19.999999999999577}
>>> rcorr1 = LagCorrelationsFromMAP[D0, D1, 1][[1]];
>>> Print[rcorr1];

For Python/Numpy:

>>> moms = [1.1, 6.05]
>>> corr1 = -0.17
>>> D0, D1 = MAPFromFewMomentsAndCorrelations(moms, corr1)
>>> print(D0)
[[ -0.28494   0.28494   0.        0.     ]
 [ -0.      -18.13384   0.        0.     ]
 [  0.        0.       -0.28494   0.28494]
 [  0.        0.       -0.       -0.95707]]
>>> print(D1)
[[  0.        0.        0.        0.     ]
 [  0.0228    1.42791   4.9669   11.71623]
 [  0.        0.        0.        0.     ]
 [  0.01384   0.86667   0.0228    0.05377]]
>>> rmoms = MarginalMomentsFromMAP(D0, D1, 2)
>>> print(rmoms)
[1.0999999999999996, 6.0499999999999963]
>>> rcorr1 = LagCorrelationsFromMAP(D0, D1, 1)[0]
>>> print(rcorr1)
>>> moms = [1.2, 4.32, 20.]
>>> corr1 = -0.4
>>> D0, D1 = MAPFromFewMomentsAndCorrelations(moms, corr1)
>>> print(D0)
[[ -0.33604   0.33604   0.        0.        0.        0.     ]
 [  0.      -36.02667   0.        0.        0.        0.     ]
 [  0.        0.       -1.28286   1.28286   0.        0.     ]
 [  0.        0.        0.       -1.28286   1.28286   0.     ]
 [  0.        0.        0.        0.       -1.28286   1.28286]
 [  0.        0.        0.        0.        0.       -1.37472]]
>>> print(D1)
[[  0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00]
 [  2.47407e-02   1.77659e+00   2.34746e+01   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   1.07508e+01]
 [  0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00]
 [  0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00]
 [  0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00]
 [  1.79373e-02   1.28805e+00   4.71448e-02   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   2.15912e-02]]
>>> butools.checkPrecision = 10.**-12
>>> rmoms = MarginalMomentsFromMAP(D0, D1, 3)
>>> print(rmoms)
[1.2000000000000002, 4.3200000000000021, 19.999999999999915]
>>> rcorr1 = LagCorrelationsFromMAP(D0, D1, 1)[0]
>>> print(rcorr1)
>>> moms = [1.2, 4.32, 20.]
>>> corr1 = 0.4
>>> D0, D1 = MAPFromFewMomentsAndCorrelations(moms, corr1)
>>> print(D0)
[[  -0.54184    0.54184    0.         0.         0.         0.         0.         0.         0.     ]
 [   0.      -116.33647    0.         0.         0.         0.         0.         0.         0.     ]
 [   0.         0.        -0.24417    0.24417    0.         0.         0.         0.         0.     ]
 [   0.         0.         0.        -2.01403    2.01403    0.         0.         0.         0.     ]
 [   0.         0.         0.         0.        -2.01403    2.01403    0.         0.         0.     ]
 [   0.         0.         0.         0.         0.        -2.01403    2.01403    0.         0.     ]
 [   0.         0.         0.         0.         0.         0.        -2.01403    2.01403    0.     ]
 [   0.         0.         0.         0.         0.         0.         0.        -2.01403    2.01403]
 [   0.         0.         0.         0.         0.         0.         0.         0.        -2.01403]]
>>> print(D1)
[[  0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00]
 [  1.61283e+01   8.85745e+01   9.97739e-02   1.15339e+01   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00]
 [  0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00]
 [  0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00]
 [  0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00]
 [  0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00]
 [  0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00]
 [  0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00]
 [  6.20477e-02   3.40758e-01   1.38184e-02   1.59740e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00]]
>>> rmoms = MarginalMomentsFromMAP(D0, D1, 3)
>>> print(rmoms)
[1.2, 4.3199999999999985, 19.999999999999851]
>>> rcorr1 = LagCorrelationsFromMAP(D0, D1, 1)[0]
>>> print(rcorr1)