
Matlab: re = RelativeEntropy(p1, p2)
Mathematica: re = RelativeEntropy[p1, p2]
Python/Numpy: re = RelativeEntropy(p1, p2)

Returns the relative entropy (aka Kullback–Leibler divergence) of two vectors.


p1 : vector, length M

The first vector

p2 : vector, length M

The second vector


re : double

The relative entropy calculated as \(re=\sum_{i=1}^M p1_i |\log(p1_i/p2_i)|\)


For Matlab:

>>> tr = dlmread('/home/gabor/github/butools/test/data/bctrace.iat');
>>> trAcf = LagCorrelationsFromTrace(tr, 10);
>>> disp(trAcf);
  Columns 1 through 6
      0.20005      0.18927      0.13895      0.14213      0.11713      0.12368
  Columns 7 through 10
      0.11212      0.10051      0.10019     0.098797
>>> [D0, D1] = MAPFromFewMomentsAndCorrelations(MarginalMomentsFromTrace(tr, 3), trAcf(1));
>>> mapAcf = LagCorrelationsFromMAP(D0, D1, 10);
>>> disp(mapAcf);
  Columns 1 through 6
      0.20005      0.12003     0.072023     0.043216     0.025931     0.015559
  Columns 7 through 10
    0.0093357    0.0056017    0.0033611    0.0020168
>>> reAcf = RelativeEntropy(mapAcf, trAcf);
>>> disp(reAcf);

For Mathematica:

>>> tr = Flatten[Import["/home/gabor/github/butools/test/data/bctrace.iat","CSV"]];
>>> trAcf = LagCorrelationsFromTrace[tr, 10];
>>> Print[trAcf];
{0.2000486547928462, 0.18927461196895048, 0.1389510350355339, 0.14213385937998096, 0.11712708793961699, 0.12367812078281121, 0.11212100297743381, 0.10051058879698098, 0.10019060948165948, 0.0987971115012499}
>>> {D0, D1} = MAPFromFewMomentsAndCorrelations[MarginalMomentsFromTrace[tr, 3], trAcf[[1]]];
>>> mapAcf = LagCorrelationsFromMAP[D0, D1, 10];
>>> Print[mapAcf];
{0.20004865479284564, 0.12003405953863643, 0.07202335583933256, 0.04321576564432875, 0.025930510713659746, 0.015558937250009402, 0.009335740858440003, 0.005601671629332731, 0.0033611392516858904, 0.0020167653187785875}
>>> reAcf = RelativeEntropy[mapAcf, trAcf];
>>> Print[reAcf];

For Python/Numpy:

>>> tr = np.loadtxt("/home/gabor/github/butools/test/data/bctrace.iat")
>>> trAcf = LagCorrelationsFromTrace(tr, 10)
>>> print(trAcf)
[0.20004885484210852, 0.18927480124417365, 0.13895117398714094, 0.14213400151438738, 0.11712720506721902, 0.12367824446146115, 0.1121211150989561, 0.10051068930807179, 0.10019070967277495, 0.098797210298893726]
>>> D0, D1 = MAPFromFewMomentsAndCorrelations(MarginalMomentsFromTrace(tr, 3), trAcf[0])
>>> mapAcf = LagCorrelationsFromMAP(D0, D1, 10)
>>> print(mapAcf)
[ 0.20005  0.12003  0.07202  0.04322  0.02593  0.01556  0.00934  0.0056   0.00336  0.00202]
>>> reAcf = RelativeEntropy(mapAcf, trAcf)
>>> print(reAcf)