
Matlab: [D0, D1] = RandomDMAP(order, mean, zeroEntries, maxTrials, prec)
Mathematica: {D0, D1} = RandomDMAP[order, mean, zeroEntries, maxTrials, prec]
Python/Numpy: D0, D1 = RandomDMAP(order, mean, zeroEntries, maxTrials, prec)

Returns a random disctere Markovian arrival process.


order : int

The size of the DMAP

mean : double, optional

The mean inter-arrival times of the DMAP

zeroEntries : int, optional

The number of zero entries in the D0 and D1 matrices

maxTrials : int, optional

The maximum number of trials to find a proper DMAP (that has an irreducible phase process and none of its parameters is all-zero)

prec : double, optional

Numerical precision for checking the irreducibility. The default value is 1e-14.


D0 : vector, shape (1,M)

The D0 matrix of the DMAP

D1 : matrix, shape (M,M)

The D1 matrix of the DMAP


If it fails, try to increase the ‘maxTrials’ parameter, or/and the ‘mean’ parameter.


For Matlab:

>>> [D0, D1] = RandomDMAP(4, 5.62, 10);
CheckProbMatrix: the matrix has negative element (precision: 1e-12)!
CheckDMAPRepresentation: D0 isn't a transient probability matrix!
>>> disp(D0);
      0.32242      0.12926            0       0.1379
      0.11054      0.70995     0.060634     0.012054
            0     0.038601      0.86412     0.021564
            0            0      0.12058      0.42758
>>> disp(D1);
       0.1503      0.15115    0.0072573       0.1017
     0.069721     0.037105            0            0
     0.035809     0.018712     0.021192            0
            0      0.45185            0            0
>>> m = MarginalMomentsFromDMAP(D0, D1, 1);
>>> disp(m);

For Mathematica:

>>> {D0, D1} = RandomDMAP[4, 5.62, 10];
>>> Print[D0];
{{0.6277553070170917, 0.3722446929829083, 0., 0.},
 {0.20943431275338148, 0.3914573190820138, 0.03433709939074948, 0.1281237298012814},
 {0.22919340474726915, 0.06008254761004617, 0.06948557253743705, 0.14110842758554035},
 {0.05795288334861444, 0.039840738269278066, 0.3052869475064032, 0.2895128589561265}}
>>> Print[D1];
{{0., 0., 0., 0.},
 {0.15830971176379985, 0., 0.07199725916890659, 0.006340568039867496},
 {0.08114591246885276, 0.13473870546212133, 0.09846893830396285, 0.18577649128477045},
 {0., 0., 0.11172185766642037, 0.19568471425315745}}
>>> m = MarginalMomentsFromDMAP[D0, D1, 1][[1]];
>>> Print[m];

For Python/Numpy:

>>> D0, D1 = RandomDMAP(4, 5.62, 10)
CheckDMMAPRepresentation: Some of the matrices D1 ... DM have negative elements!
>>> print(D0)
[[ 0.91231  0.       0.       0.02106]
 [ 0.15283  0.16699  0.18905  0.     ]
 [ 0.02497  0.12509  0.52043  0.10254]
 [ 0.0759   0.       0.       0.29181]]
>>> print(D1)
[[ 0.00719  0.02013  0.01658  0.02274]
 [ 0.15648  0.       0.18936  0.1453 ]
 [ 0.10408  0.       0.       0.12289]
 [ 0.21349  0.       0.       0.41879]]
>>> m = MarginalMomentsFromDMAP(D0, D1, 1)[0]
>>> print(m)