
Matlab: [beta, B] = MinimalRepFromME(alpha, A, how, precision)
Mathematica: {beta, B} = MinimalRepFromME[alpha, A, how, precision]
Python/Numpy: beta, B = MinimalRepFromME(alpha, A, how, precision)

Returns the minimal representation of the given ME distribution.


alpha : vector, shape (1,M)

The initial vector of the matrix-exponential distribution.

A : matrix, shape (M,M)

The matrix parameter of the matrix-exponential distribution.

how : {“obs”, “cont”, “obscont”, “moment”}, optional

Determines how the representation is minimized. Possibilities: ‘obs’: observability, ‘cont’: controllability, ‘obscont’: the minimum of observability and controllability order, ‘moment’: moment order (which is the default).

precision : double, optional

Precision used by the Staircase algorithm. The default value is 1e-12.


beta : vector, shape (1,N)

The initial vector of the minimal representation

B : matrix, shape (N,N)

The matrix parameter of the minimal representation


[R34]P. Buchholz, M. Telek, “On minimal representation of rational arrival processes.” Madrid Conference on Qeueuing theory (MCQT), June 2010.


For Matlab:

>>> a = [1.0/6,1.0/6,1.0/6,1.0/6,1.0/6,1.0/6];
>>> A = [-1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.; 0.5, -2., 1., 0., 0., 0.; 1., 0., -3., 1., 0., 0.; 1., 0., 1., -4., 1., 0.; 4., 0., 0., 0., -5., 0.; 5., 0., 0., 0., 0., -6.];
>>> [b, B] = MinimalRepFromME(a, A, 'cont');
>>> disp(b);
            1   1.3878e-16
>>> disp(B);
      -1.4011      0.48448
      0.49585      -1.5989
>>> [b, B] = MinimalRepFromME(a, A, 'obs');
>>> disp(b);
      0.16667      0.16667      0.16667      0.16667      0.16667      0.16667
>>> disp(B);
           -1            0            0            0            0            0
          0.5           -2            1            0            0            0
            1            0           -3            1            0            0
            1            0            1           -4            1            0
            4            0            0            0           -5            0
            5            0            0            0            0           -6
>>> [b, B] = MinimalRepFromME(a, A, 'obscont');
>>> disp(b);
            1   1.3878e-16
>>> disp(B);
      -1.4011      0.48448
      0.49585      -1.5989
>>> [b, B] = MinimalRepFromME(a, A, 'moment');
>>> disp(b);
          0.5          0.5
>>> disp(B);
        -2.52       1.6467
        -0.48        -0.48
>>> a = [2.0/3,1.0/3];
>>> A = [-1., 1.; 0., -3.];
>>> [b, B] = MinimalRepFromME(a, A, 'cont');
>>> disp(b);
      0.66667      0.33333
>>> disp(B);
    -1     1
     0    -3
>>> [b, B] = MinimalRepFromME(a, A, 'obs');
>>> disp(b);
>>> disp(B);
>>> [b, B] = MinimalRepFromME(a, A, 'obscont');
>>> disp(b);
>>> disp(B);
>>> [b, B] = MinimalRepFromME(a, A, 'moment');
>>> disp(b);
>>> disp(B);
>>> b = [0.2,0.3,0.5];
>>> B = [-1., 0., 0.; 0., -3., 1.; 0., -1., -3.];
>>> [a, A] = MonocyclicPHFromME(b, B);
>>> disp(a);
  Columns 1 through 6
    0.0055089    0.0090301     0.016938     0.015216    0.0053543    0.0087356
  Columns 7 through 9
     0.052486      0.22657      0.66016
>>> disp(A);
  Columns 1 through 6
           -1            1            0            0            0            0
            0      -2.4226       2.4226            0            0            0
            0            0      -2.4226       2.4226            0            0
            0      0.26232            0      -2.4226       2.1603            0
            0            0            0            0      -4.2414       4.2414
            0            0            0            0            0      -4.2414
            0            0            0            0            0            0
            0            0            0            0            0            0
            0            0            0            0            0            0
  Columns 7 through 9
            0            0            0
            0            0            0
            0            0            0
            0            0            0
            0            0            0
       4.2414            0            0
      -4.2414       4.2414            0
            0      -4.2414       4.2414
            0            0      -4.2414
>>> [b, B] = MinimalRepFromME(a, A, 'cont');
>>> disp(b);
  Columns 1 through 6
    0.0055089    0.0090301     0.016938     0.015216    0.0053543    0.0087356
  Columns 7 through 9
     0.052486      0.22657      0.66016
>>> disp(B);
  Columns 1 through 6
           -1            1            0            0            0            0
            0      -2.4226       2.4226            0            0            0
            0            0      -2.4226       2.4226            0            0
            0      0.26232            0      -2.4226       2.1603            0
            0            0            0            0      -4.2414       4.2414
            0            0            0            0            0      -4.2414
            0            0            0            0            0            0
            0            0            0            0            0            0
            0            0            0            0            0            0
  Columns 7 through 9
            0            0            0
            0            0            0
            0            0            0
            0            0            0
            0            0            0
       4.2414            0            0
      -4.2414       4.2414            0
            0      -4.2414       4.2414
            0            0      -4.2414
>>> [b, B] = MinimalRepFromME(a, A, 'obs');
>>> disp(b);
            1   2.0817e-17  -5.5511e-17
>>> disp(B);
      -2.8362     0.036222  -4.4409e-16
       -16.61      -3.3369       16.042
       1.1643    -0.051724     -0.82688
>>> Cm = SimilarityMatrix(B, A);
>>> err1 = norm(B*Cm-Cm*A);
>>> err2 = norm(b*Cm-a);
>>> disp(max(err1, err2));
>>> [b, B] = MinimalRepFromME(a, A, 'obscont');
>>> disp(b);
            1   2.0817e-17  -5.5511e-17
>>> disp(B);
      -2.8362     0.036222  -4.4409e-16
       -16.61      -3.3369       16.042
       1.1643    -0.051724     -0.82688
>>> Cm = SimilarityMatrix(B, A);
>>> err1 = norm(B*Cm-Cm*A);
>>> err2 = norm(b*Cm-a);
>>> disp(max(err1, err2));
>>> [b, B] = MinimalRepFromME(a, A, 'moment');
>>> disp(b);
      0.33333      0.33333      0.33333
>>> disp(B);
      -2.1905       1.9222      -3.3698
      -1.0769      -2.3906      0.83162
     -0.51037       0.8033      -2.4189
>>> Cm = SimilarityMatrix(B, A);
>>> err1 = norm(B*Cm-Cm*A);
>>> err2 = norm(b*Cm-a);
>>> disp(max(err1, err2));

For Mathematica:

>>> a = {1.0/6,1.0/6,1.0/6,1.0/6,1.0/6,1.0/6};
>>> A = {{-1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},{0.5, -2., 1., 0., 0., 0.},{1., 0., -3., 1., 0., 0.},{1., 0., 1., -4., 1., 0.},{4., 0., 0., 0., -5., 0.},{5., 0., 0., 0., 0., -6.}};
>>> {b, B} = MinimalRepFromME[a, A, "cont"];
>>> Print[b];
{0.9999999999999999, -1.6653345369377348*^-16}
>>> Print[B];
{{-1.4011480617916212, 0.48448139512495414},
 {0.49584627341672904, -1.5988519382083795}}
>>> {b, B} = MinimalRepFromME[a, A, "obs"];
>>> Print[b];
{0.16666666666666666, 0.16666666666666666, 0.16666666666666666, 0.16666666666666666, 0.16666666666666666, 0.16666666666666666}
>>> Print[B];
{{-1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
 {0.5, -2., 1., 0., 0., 0.},
 {1., 0., -3., 1., 0., 0.},
 {1., 0., 1., -4., 1., 0.},
 {4., 0., 0., 0., -5., 0.},
 {5., 0., 0., 0., 0., -6.}}
>>> {b, B} = MinimalRepFromME[a, A, "obscont"];
>>> Print[b];
{0.9999999999999999, -1.6653345369377348*^-16}
>>> Print[B];
{{-1.4011480617916212, 0.48448139512495414},
 {0.49584627341672904, -1.5988519382083795}}
>>> {b, B} = MinimalRepFromME[a, A, "moment"];
>>> Print[b];
{1/2, 1/2}
>>> Print[B];
{{-2.5200000000000364, 1.6466666666667047},
 {-0.48, -0.48000000000000015}}
>>> a = {2.0/3,1.0/3};
>>> A = {{-1., 1.},{0., -3.}};
>>> {b, B} = MinimalRepFromME[a, A, "cont"];
>>> Print[b];
{0.6666666666666666, 0.3333333333333333}
>>> Print[B];
{{-1., 1.},
 {0., -3.}}
>>> {b, B} = MinimalRepFromME[a, A, "obs"];
>>> Print[b];
>>> Print[B];
>>> {b, B} = MinimalRepFromME[a, A, "obscont"];
>>> Print[b];
>>> Print[B];
>>> {b, B} = MinimalRepFromME[a, A, "moment"];
>>> Print[b];
>>> Print[B];
>>> b = {0.2,0.3,0.5};
>>> B = {{-1., 0., 0.},{0., -3., 1.},{0., -1., -3.}};
>>> {a, A} = MonocyclicPHFromME[b, B];
>>> Print[a];
{0.00550893408977846, 0.00903007832853331, 0.016937512518639578, 0.015215980106503445, 0.005354337535618665, 0.008735592607040744, 0.05248568615571608, 0.22657249403204927, 0.6601593846261203}
>>> Print[A];
{{-1., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
 {0., -2.4226497308103743, 2.4226497308103743, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
 {0., 0., -2.4226497308103743, 2.4226497308103743, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
 {0., 0.2623172489622428, 0., -2.4226497308103743, 2.1603324818481315, 0., 0., 0., 0.},
 {0., 0., 0., 0., -4.241399978863847, 4.241399978863847, 0., 0., 0.},
 {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., -4.241399978863847, 4.241399978863847, 0., 0.},
 {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., -4.241399978863847, 4.241399978863847, 0.},
 {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., -4.241399978863847, 4.241399978863847},
 {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., -4.241399978863847}}
>>> {b, B} = MinimalRepFromME[a, A, "cont"];
>>> Print[b];
{0.00550893408977846, 0.00903007832853331, 0.016937512518639578, 0.015215980106503445, 0.005354337535618665, 0.008735592607040744, 0.05248568615571608, 0.22657249403204927, 0.6601593846261203}
>>> Print[B];
{{-1., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
 {0., -2.4226497308103743, 2.4226497308103743, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
 {0., 0., -2.4226497308103743, 2.4226497308103743, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
 {0., 0.2623172489622428, 0., -2.4226497308103743, 2.1603324818481315, 0., 0., 0., 0.},
 {0., 0., 0., 0., -4.241399978863847, 4.241399978863847, 0., 0., 0.},
 {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., -4.241399978863847, 4.241399978863847, 0., 0.},
 {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., -4.241399978863847, 4.241399978863847, 0.},
 {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., -4.241399978863847, 4.241399978863847},
 {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., -4.241399978863847}}
>>> {b, B} = MinimalRepFromME[a, A, "obs"];
>>> Print[b];
{0.9999999999999998, -6.938893903907228*^-18, 5.551115123125783*^-17}
>>> Print[B];
{{-2.8362221259944986, 0.03622212599450128, 3.3306690738754696*^-16},
 {-16.609614674774082, -3.3369017729049943, 16.04221903548223},
 {1.1643450726193003, -0.05172359141706952, -0.8268761011005079}}
>>> Cm = SimilarityMatrix[B, A];
>>> err1 = Norm[B.Cm-Cm.A];
>>> err2 = Norm[b.Cm-a];
>>> Print[Max[err1, err2]];
>>> {b, B} = MinimalRepFromME[a, A, "obscont"];
>>> Print[b];
{0.9999999999999998, -6.938893903907228*^-18, 5.551115123125783*^-17}
>>> Print[B];
{{-2.8362221259944986, 0.03622212599450128, 3.3306690738754696*^-16},
 {-16.609614674774082, -3.3369017729049943, 16.04221903548223},
 {1.1643450726193003, -0.05172359141706952, -0.8268761011005079}}
>>> Cm = SimilarityMatrix[B, A];
>>> err1 = Norm[B.Cm-Cm.A];
>>> err2 = Norm[b.Cm-a];
>>> Print[Max[err1, err2]];
>>> {b, B} = MinimalRepFromME[a, A, "moment"];
>>> Print[b];
{1/3, 1/3, 1/3}
>>> Print[B];
{{-2.1904761904762835, 1.9221904761901123, -3.369809523809149},
 {-1.0769308703296558, -2.390597900927728, 0.8316243212940291},
 {-0.5103707169719298, 0.8032963136261424, -2.418925908595615}}
>>> Cm = SimilarityMatrix[B, A];
>>> err1 = Norm[B.Cm-Cm.A];
>>> err2 = Norm[b.Cm-a];
>>> Print[Max[err1, err2]];

For Python/Numpy:

>>> a = ml.matrix([[1.0/6,1.0/6,1.0/6,1.0/6,1.0/6,1.0/6]])
>>> A = ml.matrix([[-1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],[0.5, -2., 1., 0., 0., 0.],[1., 0., -3., 1., 0., 0.],[1., 0., 1., -4., 1., 0.],[4., 0., 0., 0., -5., 0.],[5., 0., 0., 0., 0., -6.]])
>>> b, B = MinimalRepFromME(a, A, "cont")
>>> print(b)
[[  1.00000e+00   2.08167e-16]]
>>> print(B)
[[-1.40115  0.48448]
 [ 0.49585 -1.59885]]
>>> b, B = MinimalRepFromME(a, A, "obs")
>>> print(b)
[[ 0.16667  0.16667  0.16667  0.16667  0.16667  0.16667]]
>>> print(B)
[[-1.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0. ]
 [ 0.5 -2.   1.   0.   0.   0. ]
 [ 1.   0.  -3.   1.   0.   0. ]
 [ 1.   0.   1.  -4.   1.   0. ]
 [ 4.   0.   0.   0.  -5.   0. ]
 [ 5.   0.   0.   0.   0.  -6. ]]
>>> b, B = MinimalRepFromME(a, A, "obscont")
>>> print(b)
[[  1.00000e+00   2.08167e-16]]
>>> print(B)
[[-1.40115  0.48448]
 [ 0.49585 -1.59885]]
>>> b, B = MinimalRepFromME(a, A, "moment")
>>> print(b)
[[ 0.5  0.5]]
>>> print(B)
[[-2.52     1.64667]
 [-0.48    -0.48   ]]
>>> a = ml.matrix([[2.0/3,1.0/3]])
>>> A = ml.matrix([[-1., 1.],[0., -3.]])
>>> b, B = MinimalRepFromME(a, A, "cont")
>>> print(b)
[[ 0.66667  0.33333]]
>>> print(B)
[[-1.  1.]
 [ 0. -3.]]
>>> b, B = MinimalRepFromME(a, A, "obs")
>>> print(b)
[[ 1.]]
>>> print(B)
>>> b, B = MinimalRepFromME(a, A, "obscont")
>>> print(b)
[[ 1.]]
>>> print(B)
>>> b, B = MinimalRepFromME(a, A, "moment")
>>> print(b)
[[ 1.]]
>>> print(B)
>>> b = ml.matrix([[0.2,0.3,0.5]])
>>> B = ml.matrix([[-1., 0., 0.],[0., -3., 1.],[0., -1., -3.]])
>>> a, A = MonocyclicPHFromME(b, B)
>>> print(a)
[[ 0.00551  0.00903  0.01694  0.01522  0.00535  0.00874  0.05249  0.22657  0.66016]]
>>> print(A)
[[-1.       1.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.     ]
 [ 0.      -2.42265  2.42265  0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.     ]
 [ 0.       0.      -2.42265  2.42265  0.       0.       0.       0.       0.     ]
 [ 0.       0.26232  0.      -2.42265  2.16033  0.       0.       0.       0.     ]
 [ 0.       0.       0.       0.      -4.2414   4.2414   0.       0.       0.     ]
 [ 0.       0.       0.       0.       0.      -4.2414   4.2414   0.       0.     ]
 [ 0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.      -4.2414   4.2414   0.     ]
 [ 0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.      -4.2414   4.2414 ]
 [ 0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.      -4.2414 ]]
>>> b, B = MinimalRepFromME(a, A, "cont")
>>> print(b)
[[ 0.00551  0.00903  0.01694  0.01522  0.00535  0.00874  0.05249  0.22657  0.66016]]
>>> print(B)
[[-1.       1.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.     ]
 [ 0.      -2.42265  2.42265  0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.     ]
 [ 0.       0.      -2.42265  2.42265  0.       0.       0.       0.       0.     ]
 [ 0.       0.26232  0.      -2.42265  2.16033  0.       0.       0.       0.     ]
 [ 0.       0.       0.       0.      -4.2414   4.2414   0.       0.       0.     ]
 [ 0.       0.       0.       0.       0.      -4.2414   4.2414   0.       0.     ]
 [ 0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.      -4.2414   4.2414   0.     ]
 [ 0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.      -4.2414   4.2414 ]
 [ 0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.      -4.2414 ]]
>>> b, B = MinimalRepFromME(a, A, "obs")
>>> print(b)
[[  1.00000e+00   6.93889e-18   5.55112e-17]]
>>> print(B)
[[ -2.83622e+00   3.62221e-02  -2.22045e-16]
 [ -1.66096e+01  -3.33690e+00   1.60422e+01]
 [  1.16435e+00  -5.17236e-02  -8.26876e-01]]
>>> Cm = SimilarityMatrix(B, A)
>>> err1 = la.norm(B*Cm-Cm*A)
>>> err2 = la.norm(b*Cm-a)
>>> print(np.max(err1, err2))
>>> b, B = MinimalRepFromME(a, A, "obscont")
>>> print(b)
[[  1.00000e+00   6.93889e-18   5.55112e-17]]
>>> print(B)
[[ -2.83622e+00   3.62221e-02  -2.22045e-16]
 [ -1.66096e+01  -3.33690e+00   1.60422e+01]
 [  1.16435e+00  -5.17236e-02  -8.26876e-01]]
>>> Cm = SimilarityMatrix(B, A)
>>> err1 = la.norm(B*Cm-Cm*A)
>>> err2 = la.norm(b*Cm-a)
>>> print(np.max(err1, err2))
>>> b, B = MinimalRepFromME(a, A, "moment")
>>> print(b)
[[ 0.33333  0.33333  0.33333]]
>>> print(B)
[[-2.19048  1.92219 -3.36981]
 [-1.07693 -2.3906   0.83162]
 [-0.51037  0.8033  -2.41893]]
>>> Cm = SimilarityMatrix(B, A)
>>> err1 = la.norm(B*Cm-Cm*A)
>>> err2 = la.norm(b*Cm-a)
>>> print(np.max(err1, err2))