
Matlab: logli = LikelihoodFromTrace(trace, X, Y, prec)
Mathematica: logli = LikelihoodFromTrace[trace, X, Y, prec]
Python/Numpy: logli = LikelihoodFromTrace(trace, X, Y, prec)

Evaluates the log-likelihood of a trace with the given PH distribution or MAP. The result is divided by the length of the trace.

If X is a row vector, than (X,Y) is interpreted as a PH distribution, otherwise (X,Y) is considered to be a MAP.


trace : column vector, length K

The samples of the trace

X : matrix, shape (1,M) or (M,M)

If X is a row vector, it is the initial probability vector of the PH distribution. If X is a square matrix, it is interpreted as the D0 matrix of a MAP

Y : matrix, (M,M)

If X is a row vector, Y is the transient generator of the PH distribution. If X is a square matrix, Y is interpreted as the D1 matrix of a MAP

prec : double, optional

Numerical precision used by the randomization. The default value is 1e-14.


logli : double

The log likelihood divided by the size of the trace


The procedure is much faster with PH distributions.


For Matlab:

>>> tr = dlmread('/home/gabor/github/butools/test/data/bctrace.iat');
>>> [alpha, A] = APHFrom3Moments(MarginalMomentsFromTrace(tr, 3));
>>> [D0, D1] = MAPFromFewMomentsAndCorrelations(MarginalMomentsFromTrace(tr, 3), LagCorrelationsFromTrace(tr, 1));
>>> logliPH = LikelihoodFromTrace(tr, alpha, A);
>>> disp(logliPH);
>>> logliMAP = LikelihoodFromTrace(tr, D0, D1);
>>> disp(logliMAP);

For Mathematica:

>>> tr = Flatten[Import["/home/gabor/github/butools/test/data/bctrace.iat","CSV"]];
>>> {alpha, A} = APHFrom3Moments[MarginalMomentsFromTrace[tr, 3]];
>>> {D0, D1} = MAPFromFewMomentsAndCorrelations[MarginalMomentsFromTrace[tr, 3], LagCorrelationsFromTrace[tr, 1][[1]]];
>>> logliPH = LikelihoodFromTrace[tr, alpha, A];
>>> Print[logliPH];
>>> logliMAP = LikelihoodFromTrace[tr, D0, D1];
>>> Print[logliMAP];

For Python/Numpy:

>>> tr = np.loadtxt("/home/gabor/github/butools/test/data/bctrace.iat")
>>> alpha, A = APHFrom3Moments(MarginalMomentsFromTrace(tr, 3))
>>> D0, D1 = MAPFromFewMomentsAndCorrelations(MarginalMomentsFromTrace(tr, 3), LagCorrelationsFromTrace(tr, 1)[0])
>>> logliPH = LikelihoodFromTrace(tr, alpha, A)
>>> print(logliPH)
>>> logliMAP = LikelihoodFromTrace(tr, D0, D1)
>>> print(logliMAP)