
Matlab: [D0, D1] = RandomMAP(order, mean, zeroEntries, maxTrials, prec)
Mathematica: {D0, D1} = RandomMAP[order, mean, zeroEntries, maxTrials, prec]
Python/Numpy: D0, D1 = RandomMAP(order, mean, zeroEntries, maxTrials, prec)

Returns a random Markovian arrival process with given mean value.


order : int

The size of the MAP

mean : double, optional

The mean inter-arrival times of the MAP

zeroEntries : int, optional

The number of zero entries in the D0 and D1 matrices

maxTrials : int, optional

The maximum number of trials to find a proper MAP (that has an irreducible phase process and none of its parameters is all-zero)

prec : double, optional

Numerical precision for checking the irreducibility. The default value is 1e-14.


D0 : vector, shape (1,M)

The D0 matrix of the MAP

D1 : matrix, shape (M,M)

The D1 matrix of the MAP


For Matlab:

>>> [D0, D1] = RandomMAP(4, 1.62, 10);
>>> disp(D0);
     -0.93599            0     0.037316            0
            0      -2.1684      0.36013      0.64269
      0.77567            0      -2.0228            0
      0.44227            0      0.11204     -0.67496
>>> disp(D1);
     0.078503     0.025728      0.22381      0.57063
            0       0.6187      0.39583      0.15103
      0.40278      0.47302       0.2751     0.096175
      0.12066            0            0            0
>>> m = MarginalMomentsFromMAP(D0, D1, 1);
>>> disp(m);

For Mathematica:

>>> {D0, D1} = RandomMAP[4, 1.62, 10];
>>> Print[D0];
{{-1.2603255570025995, 0., 1.2603255570025995, 0.},
 {1.0421148823453172, -3.0725926090541065, 0., 1.2512140562551135},
 {0.0729686946916973, 1.1513050282525865, -3.021511605493252, 0.8603731650240692},
 {0.905645182073805, 0., 0.3797626274429608, -2.652481770444762}}
>>> Print[D1];
{{0., 0., 0., 0.},
 {0.0035497683267016345, 0.025589968292695654, 0.1383759482229132, 0.6117479856113653},
 {0.4204286154800259, 0.36476933475507295, 0.14415600056384018, 0.007510766725959241},
 {0.1266680865059269, 1.2404058744220698, 0., 0.}}
>>> m = MarginalMomentsFromMAP[D0, D1, 1][[1]];
>>> Print[m];

For Python/Numpy:

>>> D0, D1 = RandomMAP(4, 1.62, 10)
>>> print(D0)
[[-2.72432  0.64111  0.42238  0.     ]
 [ 0.      -1.75493  0.18555  0.48421]
 [ 0.62751  0.      -2.14775  0.48912]
 [ 0.       0.       0.01388 -0.3889 ]]
>>> print(D1)
[[ 0.19832  0.41384  0.46643  0.58223]
 [ 0.45159  0.15916  0.       0.47442]
 [ 0.43032  0.02302  0.       0.57777]
 [ 0.       0.37502  0.       0.     ]]
>>> m = MarginalMomentsFromMAP(D0, D1, 1)[0]
>>> print(m)